Before you worry about how you are going to manage your money in retirement, put another priority above this.
Your happiness.
There is no happiness index we can use, but we all tend to know what makes us happy and we will have a good idea of what will make us happy in the future.
You can also use research based on the experience of retirees around the world.
That produces results that show that happiness is constructed on just a few basic pillars, such as spending time enjoying the world, in nature, with family and having good health.
As you plan your retirement it is always good to keep these factors in mind. For example “investing” in knowledge of what constitutes healthy ageing is more important than investing in stocks and shares.
If you learn how to avoid (as much as you can) those nasty age-related diseases and boost your immune system, you are integrating a key lifestyle factor into your thinking.
So, we need to have a much broader conversation about retirement plans, than simply the question of how much do I need?