Our Approach

At Blazer, we believe your aspirations come first. Let us help you build a financial plan that supports the life you envision.

Our Approach

You’ve diligently saved and invested, always planning for a secure future. But financial security isn’t just about having a substantial nest egg; it’s about using those resources to create a life that’s rich in experiences and fulfilment. At Blazer, we believe that once you’ve ensured the essentials and secured your loved ones’ future, it’s time to reap the rewards of your hard work. Whether it’s travelling to new destinations, pursuing hobbies and passions, or simply enjoying more quality time with family and friends, your savings are meant to enhance your life, not just sit idly by.

Many people feel guilty or anxious about spending their savings, worried that it might jeopardise their financial stability. We understand these concerns and are here to guide you through making confident, informed decisions. Our approach is not just about managing money, but about fostering a mindset where you feel empowered to use your wealth for what truly matters to you. We’ll help you find the balance between maintaining your financial health and enjoying your present and future. Life is too short to be constantly worrying about what might happen—it’s about making the most of what you have now, while still preparing for the road ahead.

At Blazer, we provide tailored advice and strategies that allow you to spend wisely without fear. Our expertise ensures that your financial plan supports your lifestyle goals, giving you the freedom to live life on your terms. Whether it’s that dream holiday, a new venture, or simply enhancing everyday moments, we give you permission to invest in your happiness. Remember, your wealth is not just a safety net; it’s a springboard for living a vibrant, fulfilling life today and into retirement.

What Do You Want from Life?

We encourage you to envision the lifestyle you desire. 

What are your passions? What adventures do you dream of? By understanding your aspirations, we tailor a financial plan that aligns with your life goals, ensuring your money works for you, not the other way around.

Give Yourself Permission to Spend and Live Properly

Financial planning is not about deprivation; it’s about balance and empowerment. Once you’ve covered your essentials – like securing your legacy and ensuring your children’s future – it’s crucial to give yourself permission to enjoy the rest.

Why Do You Want a Pension and an ISA?

Your pension and ISA are more than just financial instruments; they are the foundations of your future lifestyle. You don’t save just for the sake of it – you save to ensure the freedom to travel, to pursue hobbies, or to spend time with loved ones without financial worry. We help you plan not for the sake of saving but to make these future experiences possible.

Retirement is Dynamic

Retirement isn’t a static phase; it’s a dynamic journey where your needs and desires will evolve. 

Whether it’s travelling the world, starting a new hobby, or spending more time with family, we create flexible plans that adapt to your changing lifestyle, allowing you to fully enjoy each stage of retirement.

Will I Have Enough?

Enough for what? At Blazer, we help you define what “enough” means for you. It’s not just about hitting a financial target; it’s about having the resources to live the life you envision. Together, we ensure you have what you need to support your desired lifestyle, both now and in the future.

Look Past Finance: Maximise Your Lifestyle

Money is a means to an end, not the end itself. Our goal is to help you maximise your lifestyle, using your finances to enhance your life experiences. We’re here to help you live the life you want, ensuring your financial decisions support your overall happiness and fulfilment.

Our ScoreMy Tools

Use our tools below and get a review of your preperations for the future.

ScoreMy Lifestyle Financial Planning scorecard

With ScoreMy Financial Planning you simply score yourself (on a scale of 1 – 10) to assess your current levels of satisfaction and awareness across ten key areas of your financial planning.

By completing this assessment, you will gain a better understanding of your current progress. This will help inform you for
better financial planning discussions and enable should you want to save it and share can focus discussions with a subject
matter expert financial planner to tailor their advice and recommendations to your specific needs and goals.

The ScoreMy Financial Planning scorecard is completely confidential and secure, and your responses will only be viewed by
you and it’s totally up to you if you want to share them.

The Lifestyle Wheel

Try our ScoreMy ‘lifestyle wheel’ to help you understand how you feel about the most important factors in your life including your physical and emotional health, relationships, time, money and personal fulfilment.

Give yourself a score on each of the ten questions and the free App will join the dots to see whether you are in for a bumpy or a
smooth ride – and suggest areas for improvement.

Feel free to contact us!

We can then discuss your requirements and help you start the Blazer journey

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