Bespoke Lifestyle & Legacy Wealth Planning

Empowering you to live the life you've always dreamed of

Lifestyle & Legacy Wealth Planning strategies.

At Blazer, we believe your hard-earned money is a tool to enrich your life. You’ve worked diligently to secure your future; now it’s time to enjoy it. Our mission is to help you navigate your financial journey with confidence, giving you the peace of mind to spend wisely and live fully.

It's Time to Enjoy Your Savings

You’ve saved, invested, and planned for the future. But what’s the point if you can’t enjoy your wealth? We give you the permission to spend – on experiences, on dreams, on life.

Cover the essentials, ensure your loved ones are secure, and then let us help you plan for a life filled with joy and fulfilment. Remember, it’s not just about accumulating wealth; it’s about living the life you want, now and into retirement.

Comprehensive Planning

We help you map out your long-term financial position, for decades ahead, using software. You get to see a true picture of your financial future.

This allows you to develop your lifestyle choices, plan your legacy, and make great financial decisions that are based on your unique situation.

Life is not a rehearsal!

Working out what you want, short-term and long-term, and then applying this to a defined and workable financial plan of action is the key to success.

Sometimes it can be difficult to define what you want, or you may not really know. Clarity can come from surprising places, and we find that if the conversation turns to legacy planning, then a switch is flicked. Why? Because if you can define your legacy wishes, then it becomes clear – almost instantaneously – what you need to do financially now and for the rest of your life. It is a simple way of shifting the thinking and is proven to work. Getting the financial plan in place allows you to focus – with confidence – on doing the things you want to do and that you value.

What Our Clients Say About Us

After working in the financial services sector for over 25 years and gaining a vast amount of knowledge, I am sure that even with another 25 years experience, I would not be able to come close to achieving the level of expertise and knowledge that Pierre has in all aspects of financial planning including strategic planning for high net worth individuals and corporates..
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Tammy L Donoghue
Pierre is one the best qualified people in financial services, and one of the best connected networkers in London and the South East. He provides high quality, intelligent solutions, and always acts with high levels of integrity.
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Ian Batterbee
Pierre is a good communicator and took the time to understand my needs. I am very happy with the service that I received from him and have engaged him in further work. He is diligent, thorough and I would recommend to anyone who is looking for financial advice.
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Michael McLaughlin

Real People and real stories!

“Dear Pierre,

Thank you for all your help to me in the time since Steve died. As you know, at such a difficult time, the idea of handling my finances alone, was to say the least, daunting! But with your help and guidance my confidence has grown!

Even though your knowledge of the financial world is huge, mine isn't, but you have never made me feel out of my depth when we have spoken about the managing of my investments etc.

It is particularly comforting to know (especially in the early times), that I can contact you easily. You understood that I am not in a position to invest in high risk companies, but the return I have had has certainly exceeded anything I would have earned if I had been dealing with it alone. I also appreciate the fact that, even though I probably never will need to access a large sum quickly, you have seen to it that I would be able to, but that the majority of my investments are secure, and earning a better return.

I was most daunted about how my children would fare when I die. Again, wills, powers of attorney and trusts have been dealt with sensitively and kindly, but with my interest firmly at the forefront so that my life is as easy and pleasant as is possible.

As for tax returns .... all I can say is thank you, for getting the help and getting it sorted out, I would never have known where to start. Again a case of you taking it off my hands.

In short, Pierre, I am very grateful for everything, it's a huge thing to have to think of when the person you love dies, and the grief is raw, but you have steered me through the financial worries.

Thank you, again, kind regards Pauline M.”

The power to change lives!

Helping you uncover the truth of what your financial future looks like, improving your outcomes, then helping you make the choices to get and keep the lifestyle you want & leave the legacy you planned!